Web development learning path 2019 (Practical Guide)

Web development learning path 2018 (Practical Guide)

Web development learning path 

Learning web development can be divided into three stages each has its own sub-stages

1- Learning the Basics

Unlike stages number two and three, which we can choose one of them, this stage is a must regardless of one`s coming choice.

This stage is subdivided into three phases as following:
  • Basics 
  • Front-end Basics
  • Back-end Basics 

Topics classified under this title are kind of essentials for both front enders and back enders.
These topics are …

HTML & CSS & HTML5 & CSS3 & layout & Bootstrap 

Estimated duration: 2 months.
Target: is not to memorize every single element and class, but to use every single element and class.
Tasks to do: 15 tasks (5 small, 5 average, 10 complete responsive static web pages)  

References to use:


Every day we will find new technologies and techniques, DON'T waste your time trying to collect everything this won't happen is about using it not about learning it.

2-Front-end Basics

In this stage we will delve into front-end basics, to be clear this stage is all about javascript. 
Javascript is the base for all the front end work, that's why every sec. We spend learning and doing more tasks with js is not wasted time at all. Throughout this stage, we suppose to go through the following … 

Pure js

Estimated duration: 1 month.
Target: deeep understanding  js, paly around  its built-ins, and go through its functionalities.
Tasks to do: as much as u can, JS is the starting step through coding, play around with logic, and creating functionable useable output.

References to use :  


Jquery is not that important thing that we need to learn for the sake of  output or productivity, as it is not that fashion nowadays, but, Jquery is the most popular js library, which is commonly used in writing plugins, as we are learning Jquery is all for learning how can we deal, edit or modify plugins.
Estimated duration : 1 week.
Target: fair understaging,  and be able to read and write JQuery syntax .
Tasks to do : re-create some of our js previously made tasks will e fair.

References to use:  

JS Frameworks

This is the final step in the front-end basics stage, but in the context of importance, it should rank the fist. Throughout this phase we should know what does it mean to work with a framework, what a framework is, and why is it important ??!

Estimated duration : 6 weeks.
Target: learning the basics of the most common js frameworks, which are , in order. Angular, Vue, React.
Tasks to do : 1 task for each freamwork  
References to use :


While working on js frameworks, we are going to meet concepts like compilers, package managers, those are not a matter of choice, and they are not the thing that we will be happy to leave behind.

3- back-end Basics

In order to go through web development, we cannot get stuffed from learning or even satisfied with learning just about what we are going to work with.

Web development is a tightly connected career with all its subdivisions.

Estimated duration : 1 month.
Target: solid understanding of php is a must during this month, but a basic understanding of the database, how it works, and its different kinds.
Tasks to do : about  2 tasks.  

References to use:


Here we will meet concepts like composer, and Laravel, it will a great bounce to know about.

In the coming doc. We are going to discuss the front-enders path as well as the back-enders path. 

Waiting for your notice to make it better 
Ahmed Sysy
By : Ahmed Sysy
مؤسس نادي القراءة العملية، ومتخصص فى صناعة المحتوى، وتحسين محركات البحث "SEO" أسعى لمساعدة مليون شاب لبداية رحلة التعلم الذاتي